A film by Sarah Fitterer
2022 | 9 mins | Digital Video | Color | 25fps
The success of conventional shrimp farming relies on a method called eyestalk ablation. Female shrimp get one of their eyes cut off. As a survival instinct they immediately start reproducing. EU law forbids the use of eyestalk ablation and considers it animal cruelty, which is why german farmers ask themselves: How can we get the shrimp to have sex? What do they need? Can shrimp fall in love?
2023 Video Power Program - Hamburg International Short Film Festival, Hamburg (DE)
2023 International Competition 4 - Beijing International Short Film Festival, Beijing (CN)
2023 Shorts 11: Un-Tidal Transformations - Chicago Underground Film Festival, Chicago (US)
2023 Non-Competitive Program - Helsinki International Film Festival, Helsinki (FI)
2023 Meshworks - Video Art Festival Turku, Turku (FI)
2023 Video Power Presents Short Documentaries - L1, Netherlands (NL)
2023 Touching Nature Touching You - Pleasure Dome, Toronto (CA)
2023 Verses For Another World - Milwaukee Illuminate Film Festival, Milwaukee (US)