A film by Beny Wagner

2017 | English | 12 min | Digital Video | Color | Stereo | 25fps

In We’re All Here artist Beny Wagner channels feelings of inexplicable loss and yearning for something unknown. The film builds on two seemingly unrelated material histories: that of camouflage and fossil fuels. Camouflage as the human desire to subjugate the landscape to its demands while simultaneously yearning for a complete immersion in its materiality. Petroleum as the great global unifier that paradoxically makes things in immediate proximity stand at an irreconcilable distance. The film attempts to translate the ungraspable global end into an internalised, uncertain relationship to the self.


2016 Impakt Festival, Utrecht (NL)

2017 PXL Krieg, Hasselt (BE)

2017 Wroclaw Media Biennal, Wroclaw (PO)

2017 Milwaukee Underground Film Festival, Milwaukee (US)

2017 ‘Dutch experimental film distribution’ by EYE Film Institute, Amsterdam (NL)

2017 Heroic vs. Holistic: Erotic Eco Drama, Plato, Ostrava (CZ)

2018 Eye Experimentals, Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam (NL)

Video Power